Source code for test_utils

from argschema import utils
import pytest
import operator
from argschema.schemas import ArgSchema, DefaultSchema
from argschema import fields, ArgSchemaParser
import marshmallow as mm
import re

[docs]def test_merge_value_add(): a = {'key': ['a']} b = {'key': ['b']} c = utils.merge_value(a, b, 'key') assert(len(c) == 2)
[docs]def test_merge_value_subtract(): a = {'key': 10} b = {'key': 2} c = utils.merge_value(a, b, 'key', operator.sub) assert(c == 8)
[docs]def test_merge_value_fail(): a = {'key': 5} b = {} with pytest.raises(Exception): utils.merge_value(a, b, 'key')
[docs]def test_smart_merge(): a = {'a': 5, 'b': 8} b = {'a': 10} c = utils.smart_merge(a, b) assert(c['a'] == 10) assert(c['b'] == 8)
[docs]def test_smart_merge_same(): a = {'a': 3, 'b': 8} b = {'a': 3} c = utils.smart_merge(a, b) assert(c['a'] == 3) assert(c['b'] == 8)
[docs]def test_smart_merge_add(): a = {'a': [1], 'b': 8} b = {'a': [2]} c = utils.smart_merge(a, b, merge_keys=['a']) assert(len(c['a']) == 2) assert(1 in c['a']) assert(2 in c['a'])
[docs]def test_smart_merge_not_none(): a = {'a': 1, 'b': 8} b = {'a': None, 'c': 9} c = utils.smart_merge(a, b, merge_keys=['a']) assert(c['a'] == 1) assert(c['c'] == 9)
[docs]def test_smart_merge_none(): a = {'a': 1, 'b': 8, 'c': 5} b = {'c': None, 'd': None} c = utils.smart_merge(a, b, overwrite_with_none=True) assert(c['c'] is None) assert(c['d'] is None)
[docs]def test_smart_merge_nested(): a = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 4}} b = {'b': {'c': 5, 'd': 9}} c = utils.smart_merge(a, b) assert(c['a'] == 1) assert(c['b']['c'] == 5) assert(c['b']['d'] == 9)
[docs]class Player(DefaultSchema): """player information""" name = fields.Str(required=True, description="players name") number = fields.Int(required=True, validators=( lambda x: x >= 0), description="player's number (must be >0)")
[docs]class BaseballSituation(ArgSchema): """A description of a baseball situation""" inning = fields.Int(required=True, description="inning (1-9)", validate=mm.validate.OneOf(range(1, 10))) bottom = fields.Bool( required=True, description="is it the bottom of the inning") score_home = fields.Int( required=True, description="home team score (non-negative)", validate=(lambda x: x >= 0)) score_away = fields.Int( required=True, description="away team score (non-negative)", validate=(lambda x: x >= 0)) outs = fields.Int(required=True, description="number of outs (0-2)", validate=mm.validate.OneOf([0, 1, 2])) balls = fields.Int(required=False, default=0, description="number of balls (0-4)", validate=mm.validate.OneOf([0, 1, 2, 3])) strikes = fields.Int(required=True, description="how many strikes (0-2)", validate=mm.validate.OneOf([0, 1, 2])) bases_occupied = fields.List( fields.Int, description="which bases are occupied", validate=mm.validate.ContainsOnly([1, 2, 3])) batter = fields.Nested(Player, required=True, description="who is batting") pitcher = fields.Nested(Player, required=True, description="who is pitching")
[docs]def test_schema_argparser_with_baseball(): example_situation = { 'batter': { 'name': 'Barry Bonds', 'number': 25 }, 'pitcher': { 'name': 'Roger Clemens', 'number': 21 }, 'bases_occupied': [1, 2, 3], 'outs': 2, 'strikes': 2, 'balls': 3, 'inning': 9, 'bottom': True, 'score_home': 2, 'score_away': 3 } schema = BaseballSituation() ArgSchemaParser(input_data=example_situation, schema_type=BaseballSituation, args=[]) parser = utils.schema_argparser(schema) help = parser.format_help() help = help.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '') assert( '--strikesSTRIKEShowmanystrikes(0-2)(REQUIRED)(validoptionsare[0,1,2])' in help) # in python3.9, the format changed slightly such that # --bases_occupied[BASES_OCCUPIED[BASES_OCCUPIED...]] became # --bases_occupied[BASES_OCCUPIED...] assert(re.match( r".*--bases_occupied\[BASES_OCCUPIED.*\]whichbasesareoccupied\(constrainedlist\)\(validoptionsare\[1,2,3\]\)", help) is not None) assert( '--ballsBALLSnumberofballs(0-4)(default=0)(validoptionsare[0,1,2,3])' in help) assert("--pitcher.numberPITCHER.NUMBERplayer'snumber(mustbe>0)(REQUIRED)" in help)