Source code for marshmallow.fields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Field classes for various types of data."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import collections
import datetime as dt
import uuid
import warnings
import decimal
from operator import attrgetter

from marshmallow import validate, utils, class_registry
from marshmallow.base import FieldABC, SchemaABC
from marshmallow.utils import missing as missing_
from marshmallow.compat import text_type, basestring
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError
from marshmallow.validate import Validator

__all__ = [

    'ValidationError raised by `{class_name}`, but error key `{key}` does '
    'not exist in the `error_messages` dictionary.'

[docs]class Field(FieldABC): """Basic field from which other fields should extend. It applies no formatting by default, and should only be used in cases where data does not need to be formatted before being serialized or deserialized. On error, the name of the field will be returned. :param default: If set, this value will be used during serialization if the input value is missing. If not set, the field will be excluded from the serialized output if the input value is missing. May be a value or a callable. :param str attribute: The name of the attribute to get the value from. If `None`, assumes the attribute has the same name as the field. :param str load_from: Additional key to look for when deserializing. Will only be checked if the field's name is not found on the input dictionary. If checked, it will return this parameter on error. :param str dump_to: Field name to use as a key when serializing. :param callable validate: Validator or collection of validators that are called during deserialization. Validator takes a field's input value as its only parameter and returns a boolean. If it returns `False`, an :exc:`ValidationError` is raised. :param required: Raise a :exc:`ValidationError` if the field value is not supplied during deserialization. :param allow_none: Set this to `True` if `None` should be considered a valid value during validation/deserialization. If ``missing=None`` and ``allow_none`` is unset, will default to ``True``. Otherwise, the default is ``False``. :param bool load_only: If `True` skip this field during serialization, otherwise its value will be present in the serialized data. :param bool dump_only: If `True` skip this field during deserialization, otherwise its value will be present in the deserialized object. In the context of an HTTP API, this effectively marks the field as "read-only". :param missing: Default deserialization value for the field if the field is not found in the input data. May be a value or a callable. :param dict error_messages: Overrides for `Field.default_error_messages`. :param metadata: Extra arguments to be stored as metadata. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Removed `error` parameter. Use ``error_messages`` instead. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added `allow_none` parameter, which makes validation/deserialization of `None` consistent across fields. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added `load_only` and `dump_only` parameters, which allow field skipping during the (de)serialization process. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added `missing` parameter, which indicates the value for a field if the field is not found during deserialization. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 ``default`` value is only used if explicitly set. Otherwise, missing values inputs are excluded from serialized output. """ # Some fields, such as Method fields and Function fields, are not expected # to exists as attributes on the objects to serialize. Set this to False # for those fields _CHECK_ATTRIBUTE = True _creation_index = 0 # Used for sorting #: Default error messages for various kinds of errors. The keys in this dictionary #: are passed to ``. The values are error messages passed to #: :exc:`marshmallow.ValidationError`. default_error_messages = { 'required': 'Missing data for required field.', 'type': 'Invalid input type.', # used by Unmarshaller 'null': 'Field may not be null.', 'validator_failed': 'Invalid value.' } def __init__(self, default=missing_, attribute=None, load_from=None, dump_to=None, error=None, validate=None, required=False, allow_none=None, load_only=False, dump_only=False, missing=missing_, error_messages=None, **metadata): self.default = default self.attribute = attribute self.load_from = load_from # this flag is used by Unmarshaller self.dump_to = dump_to # this flag is used by Marshaller self.validate = validate if utils.is_iterable_but_not_string(validate): if not utils.is_generator(validate): self.validators = validate else: self.validators = list(validate) elif callable(validate): self.validators = [validate] elif validate is None: self.validators = [] else: raise ValueError("The 'validate' parameter must be a callable " "or a collection of callables.") self.required = required # If missing=None, None should be considered valid by default if allow_none is None: if missing is None: self.allow_none = True else: self.allow_none = False else: self.allow_none = allow_none self.load_only = load_only self.dump_only = dump_only self.missing = missing self.metadata = metadata self._creation_index = Field._creation_index Field._creation_index += 1 # Collect default error message from self and parent classes messages = {} for cls in reversed(self.__class__.__mro__): messages.update(getattr(cls, 'default_error_messages', {})) messages.update(error_messages or {}) self.error_messages = messages def __repr__(self): return ('<fields.{ClassName}(default={self.default!r}, ' 'attribute={self.attribute!r}, ' 'validate={self.validate}, required={self.required}, ' 'load_only={self.load_only}, dump_only={self.dump_only}, ' 'missing={self.missing}, allow_none={self.allow_none}, ' 'error_messages={self.error_messages})>' .format(ClassName=self.__class__.__name__, self=self))
[docs] def get_value(self, attr, obj, accessor=None, default=missing_): """Return the value for a given key from an object.""" # NOTE: Use getattr instead of direct attribute access here so that # subclasses aren't required to define `attribute` member attribute = getattr(self, 'attribute', None) accessor_func = accessor or utils.get_value check_key = attr if attribute is None else attribute return accessor_func(check_key, obj, default)
def _validate(self, value): """Perform validation on ``value``. Raise a :exc:`ValidationError` if validation does not succeed. """ errors = [] kwargs = {} for validator in self.validators: try: r = validator(value) if not isinstance(validator, Validator) and r is False:'validator_failed') except ValidationError as err: kwargs.update(err.kwargs) if isinstance(err.messages, dict): errors.append(err.messages) else: errors.extend(err.messages) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors, **kwargs) # Hat tip to django-rest-framework.
[docs] def fail(self, key, **kwargs): """A helper method that simply raises a `ValidationError`. """ try: msg = self.error_messages[key] except KeyError: class_name = self.__class__.__name__ msg = MISSING_ERROR_MESSAGE.format(class_name=class_name, key=key) raise AssertionError(msg) if isinstance(msg, basestring): msg = msg.format(**kwargs) raise ValidationError(msg)
def _validate_missing(self, value): """Validate missing values. Raise a :exc:`ValidationError` if `value` should be considered missing. """ if value is missing_: if hasattr(self, 'required') and self.required:'required') if value is None: if hasattr(self, 'allow_none') and self.allow_none is not True:'null')
[docs] def serialize(self, attr, obj, accessor=None): """Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field's formatting and returns the result. :param str attr: The attibute or key to get from the object. :param str obj: The object to pull the key from. :param callable accessor: Function used to pull values from ``obj``. :raise ValidationError: In case of formatting problem """ if self._CHECK_ATTRIBUTE: value = self.get_value(attr, obj, accessor=accessor) if value is missing_: if hasattr(self, 'default'): if callable(self.default): return self.default() else: return self.default else: value = None return self._serialize(value, attr, obj)
[docs] def deserialize(self, value, attr=None, data=None): """Deserialize ``value``. :raise ValidationError: If an invalid value is passed or if a required value is missing. """ # Validate required fields, deserialize, then validate # deserialized value self._validate_missing(value) if getattr(self, 'allow_none', False) is True and value is None: return None output = self._deserialize(value, attr, data) self._validate(output) return output
# Methods for concrete classes to override. def _add_to_schema(self, field_name, schema): """Update field with values from its parent schema. Called by :meth:`__set_field_attrs <marshmallow.Schema.__set_field_attrs>`. :param str field_name: Field name set in schema. :param Schema schema: Parent schema. """ self.parent = self.parent or schema = or field_name def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): """Serializes ``value`` to a basic Python datatype. Noop by default. Concrete :class:`Field` classes should implement this method. Example: :: class TitleCase(Field): def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): if not value: return '' return unicode(value).title() :param value: The value to be serialized. :param str attr: The attribute or key on the object to be serialized. :param object obj: The object the value was pulled from. :raise ValidationError: In case of formatting or validation failure. :return: The serialized value """ return value def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): """Deserialize value. Concrete :class:`Field` classes should implement this method. :param value: The value to be deserialized. :param str attr: The attribute/key in `data` to be deserialized. :param dict data: The raw input data passed to the `Schema.load`. :raise ValidationError: In case of formatting or validation failure. :return: The deserialized value. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Added ``attr`` and ``data`` parameters. """ return value # Properties @property def context(self): """The context dictionary for the parent :class:`Schema`.""" return self.parent.context @property def root(self): """Reference to the `Schema` that this field belongs to even if it is buried in a `List`. Return `None` for unbound fields. """ ret = self while hasattr(ret, 'parent') and ret.parent: ret = ret.parent return ret if isinstance(ret, SchemaABC) else None
[docs]class Raw(Field): """Field that applies no formatting or validation.""" pass
[docs]class Nested(Field): """Allows you to nest a :class:`Schema <marshmallow.Schema>` inside a field. Examples: :: user = fields.Nested(UserSchema) user2 = fields.Nested('UserSchema') # Equivalent to above collaborators = fields.Nested(UserSchema, many=True, only='id') parent = fields.Nested('self') When passing a `Schema <marshmallow.Schema>` instance as the first argument, the instance's ``exclude``, ``only``, and ``many`` attributes will be respected. Therefore, when passing the ``exclude``, ``only``, or ``many`` arguments to `fields.Nested`, you should pass a `Schema <marshmallow.Schema>` class (not an instance) as the first argument. :: # Yes author = fields.Nested(UserSchema, only=('id', 'name')) # No author = fields.Nested(UserSchema(), only=('id', 'name')) :param Schema nested: The Schema class or class name (string) to nest, or ``"self"`` to nest the :class:`Schema` within itself. :param default: Default value to if attribute is missing or None :param tuple exclude: A list or tuple of fields to exclude. :param required: Raise an :exc:`ValidationError` during deserialization if the field, *and* any required field values specified in the `nested` schema, are not found in the data. If not a `bool` (e.g. a `str`), the provided value will be used as the message of the :exc:`ValidationError` instead of the default message. :param only: A tuple or string of the field(s) to marshal. If `None`, all fields will be marshalled. If a field name (string) is given, only a single value will be returned as output instead of a dictionary. This parameter takes precedence over ``exclude``. :param bool many: Whether the field is a collection of objects. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Field` receives. """ default_error_messages = { 'type': 'Invalid type.', } def __init__(self, nested, default=missing_, exclude=tuple(), only=None, **kwargs): self.nested = nested self.only = only self.exclude = exclude self.many = kwargs.get('many', False) self.__schema = None # Cached Schema instance self.__updated_fields = False super(Nested, self).__init__(default=default, **kwargs) @property def schema(self): """The nested Schema object. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 Renamed from `serializer` to `schema` """ if not self.__schema: # Ensure that only parameter is a tuple if isinstance(self.only, basestring): only = (self.only,) else: only = self.only # Inherit context from parent. context = getattr(self.parent, 'context', {}) if isinstance(self.nested, SchemaABC): self.__schema = self.nested self.__schema.context.update(context) elif isinstance(self.nested, type) and \ issubclass(self.nested, SchemaABC): self.__schema = self.nested(many=self.many, only=only, exclude=self.exclude, context=context, load_only=self._nested_normalized_option('load_only'), dump_only=self._nested_normalized_option('dump_only')) elif isinstance(self.nested, basestring): if self.nested == _RECURSIVE_NESTED: parent_class = self.parent.__class__ self.__schema = parent_class(many=self.many, only=only, exclude=self.exclude, context=context, load_only=self._nested_normalized_option('load_only'), dump_only=self._nested_normalized_option('dump_only')) else: schema_class = class_registry.get_class(self.nested) self.__schema = schema_class(many=self.many, only=only, exclude=self.exclude, context=context, load_only=self._nested_normalized_option('load_only'), dump_only=self._nested_normalized_option('dump_only')) else: raise ValueError('Nested fields must be passed a ' 'Schema, not {0}.'.format(self.nested.__class__)) self.__schema.ordered = getattr(self.parent, 'ordered', False) return self.__schema def _nested_normalized_option(self, option_name): nested_field = '%s.' % return [field.split(nested_field, 1)[1] for field in getattr(self.root, option_name, set()) if field.startswith(nested_field)] def _serialize(self, nested_obj, attr, obj): # Load up the schema first. This allows a RegistryError to be raised # if an invalid schema name was passed schema = self.schema if nested_obj is None: return None if not self.__updated_fields: schema._update_fields(obj=nested_obj, many=self.many) self.__updated_fields = True ret, errors = schema.dump(nested_obj, many=self.many, update_fields=not self.__updated_fields) if isinstance(self.only, basestring): # self.only is a field name if self.many: return utils.pluck(ret, key=self.only) else: return ret[self.only] if errors: raise ValidationError(errors, data=ret) return ret def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if self.many and not utils.is_collection(value):'type', input=value, type=value.__class__.__name__) data, errors = self.schema.load(value) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors, data=data) return data def _validate_missing(self, value): """Validate missing values. Raise a :exc:`ValidationError` if `value` should be considered missing. """ if value is missing_ and hasattr(self, 'required'): if self.nested == _RECURSIVE_NESTED:'required') errors = self._check_required() if errors: raise ValidationError(errors) else: super(Nested, self)._validate_missing(value) def _check_required(self): errors = {} if self.required: for field_name, field in self.schema.fields.items(): if not field.required: continue error_field_name = field.load_from or field_name if ( isinstance(field, Nested) and self.nested != _RECURSIVE_NESTED and field.nested != _RECURSIVE_NESTED ): errors[error_field_name] = field._check_required() else: try: field._validate_missing(field.missing) except ValidationError as ve: errors[error_field_name] = ve.messages if self.many and errors: errors = {0: errors} # No inner errors; just raise required error like normal if not errors:'required') return errors
[docs]class List(Field): """A list field, composed with another `Field` class or instance. Example: :: numbers = fields.List(fields.Float()) :param Field cls_or_instance: A field class or instance. :param bool default: Default value for serialization. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Field` receives. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 The ``allow_none`` parameter now applies to deserialization and has the same semantics as the other fields. """ default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid list.', } def __init__(self, cls_or_instance, **kwargs): super(List, self).__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(cls_or_instance, type): if not issubclass(cls_or_instance, FieldABC): raise ValueError('The type of the list elements ' 'must be a subclass of ' 'marshmallow.base.FieldABC') self.container = cls_or_instance() else: if not isinstance(cls_or_instance, FieldABC): raise ValueError('The instances of the list ' 'elements must be of type ' 'marshmallow.base.FieldABC') self.container = cls_or_instance
[docs] def get_value(self, attr, obj, accessor=None): """Return the value for a given key from an object.""" value = super(List, self).get_value(attr, obj, accessor=accessor) if self.container.attribute: if utils.is_collection(value): return [ self.container.get_value(self.container.attribute, each) for each in value ] return self.container.get_value(self.container.attribute, value) return value
def _add_to_schema(self, field_name, schema): super(List, self)._add_to_schema(field_name, schema) self.container.parent = self = field_name def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): if value is None: return None if utils.is_collection(value): return [self.container._serialize(each, attr, obj) for each in value] return [self.container._serialize(value, attr, obj)] def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if not utils.is_collection(value):'invalid') result = [] errors = {} for idx, each in enumerate(value): try: result.append(self.container.deserialize(each)) except ValidationError as e: result.append( errors.update({idx: e.messages}) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors, data=result) return result
[docs]class String(Field): """A string field. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Field` receives. """ default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid string.', 'invalid_utf8': 'Not a valid utf-8 string.' } def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): if value is None: return None return utils.ensure_text_type(value) def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if not isinstance(value, basestring):'invalid') try: return utils.ensure_text_type(value) except UnicodeDecodeError:'invalid_utf8')
[docs]class UUID(String): """A UUID field.""" default_error_messages = { 'invalid_uuid': 'Not a valid UUID.', 'invalid_guid': 'Not a valid UUID.' # TODO: Remove this in marshmallow 3.0 } def _validated(self, value): """Format the value or raise a :exc:`ValidationError` if an error occurs.""" if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, uuid.UUID): return value try: return uuid.UUID(value) except (ValueError, AttributeError):'invalid_uuid') def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): validated = str(self._validated(value)) if value is not None else None return super(String, self)._serialize(validated, attr, obj) def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): return self._validated(value)
[docs]class Number(Field): """Base class for number fields. :param bool as_string: If True, format the serialized value as a string. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Field` receives. """ num_type = float default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid number.' } def __init__(self, as_string=False, **kwargs): self.as_string = as_string super(Number, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _format_num(self, value): """Return the number value for value, given this field's `num_type`.""" if value is None: return None return self.num_type(value) def _validated(self, value): """Format the value or raise a :exc:`ValidationError` if an error occurs.""" try: return self._format_num(value) except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:'invalid')
[docs] def serialize(self, attr, obj, accessor=None): """Pulls the value for the given key from the object and returns the serialized number representation. Return a string if `self.as_string=True`, othewise return this field's `num_type`. Receives the same `args` and `kwargs` as `Field`. """ ret = Field.serialize(self, attr, obj, accessor=accessor) return self._to_string(ret) if (self.as_string and ret not in (None, missing_)) else ret
def _to_string(self, value): return str(value) def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): return self._validated(value) def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): return self._validated(value)
[docs]class Integer(Number): """An integer field. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Number` receives. """ num_type = int default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid integer.' }
[docs]class Decimal(Number): """A field that (de)serializes to the Python ``decimal.Decimal`` type. It's safe to use when dealing with money values, percentages, ratios or other numbers where precision is critical. .. warning:: This field serializes to a `decimal.Decimal` object by default. If you need to render your data as JSON, keep in mind that the `json` module from the standard library does not encode `decimal.Decimal`. Therefore, you must use a JSON library that can handle decimals, such as `simplejson`, or serialize to a string by passing ``as_string=True``. .. warning:: If a JSON `float` value is passed to this field for deserialization it will first be cast to its corresponding `string` value before being deserialized to a `decimal.Decimal` object. The default `__str__` implementation of the built-in Python `float` type may apply a destructive transformation upon its input data and therefore cannot be relied upon to preserve precision. To avoid this, you can instead pass a JSON `string` to be deserialized directly. :param int places: How many decimal places to quantize the value. If `None`, does not quantize the value. :param rounding: How to round the value during quantize, for example `decimal.ROUND_UP`. If None, uses the rounding value from the current thread's context. :param bool allow_nan: If `True`, `NaN`, `Infinity` and `-Infinity` are allowed, even though they are illegal according to the JSON specification. :param bool as_string: If True, serialize to a string instead of a Python `decimal.Decimal` type. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Number` receives. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ num_type = decimal.Decimal default_error_messages = { 'special': 'Special numeric values are not permitted.', } def __init__(self, places=None, rounding=None, allow_nan=False, as_string=False, **kwargs): self.places = decimal.Decimal((0, (1,), -places)) if places is not None else None self.rounding = rounding self.allow_nan = allow_nan super(Decimal, self).__init__(as_string=as_string, **kwargs) # override Number def _format_num(self, value): if value is None: return None num = decimal.Decimal(str(value)) if self.allow_nan: if num.is_nan(): return decimal.Decimal('NaN') # avoid sNaN, -sNaN and -NaN else: if num.is_nan() or num.is_infinite():'special') if self.places is not None and num.is_finite(): num = num.quantize(self.places, rounding=self.rounding) return num # override Number def _validated(self, value): try: return super(Decimal, self)._validated(value) except decimal.InvalidOperation:'invalid') # override Number def _to_string(self, value): return format(value, 'f')
[docs]class Boolean(Field): """A boolean field. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Field` receives. """ #: Values that will (de)serialize to `True`. If an empty set, any non-falsy # value will deserialize to `True`. truthy = set(('t', 'T', 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', '1', 1, True)) #: Values that will (de)serialize to `False`. falsy = set(('f', 'F', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE', '0', 0, 0.0, False)) default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid boolean.' } def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): if value is None: return None elif value in self.truthy: return True elif value in self.falsy: return False return bool(value) def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if not self.truthy: return bool(value) else: try: if value in self.truthy: return True elif value in self.falsy: return False except TypeError: pass'invalid')
[docs]class FormattedString(Field): """Interpolate other values from the object into this field. The syntax for the source string is the same as the string `str.format` method from the python stdlib. :: class UserSchema(Schema): name = fields.String() greeting = fields.FormattedString('Hello {name}') ser = UserSchema() res = ser.dump(user) # => {'name': 'Monty', 'greeting': 'Hello Monty'} """ default_error_messages = { 'format': 'Cannot format string with given data.' } _CHECK_ATTRIBUTE = False def __init__(self, src_str, *args, **kwargs): Field.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.src_str = text_type(src_str) def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): try: data = utils.to_marshallable_type(obj) return self.src_str.format(**data) except (TypeError, IndexError) as error:'format')
[docs]class Float(Number): """ A double as IEEE-754 double precision string. :param bool as_string: If True, format the value as a string. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Number` receives. """ num_type = float
[docs]class DateTime(Field): """A formatted datetime string in UTC. Example: ``'2014-12-22T03:12:58.019077+00:00'`` Timezone-naive `datetime` objects are converted to UTC (+00:00) by :meth:`Schema.dump <marshmallow.Schema.dump>`. :meth:`Schema.load <marshmallow.Schema.load>` returns `datetime` objects that are timezone-aware. :param str format: Either ``"rfc"`` (for RFC822), ``"iso"`` (for ISO8601), or a date format string. If `None`, defaults to "iso". :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Field` receives. """ DATEFORMAT_SERIALIZATION_FUNCS = { 'iso': utils.isoformat, 'iso8601': utils.isoformat, 'rfc': utils.rfcformat, 'rfc822': utils.rfcformat, } DATEFORMAT_DESERIALIZATION_FUNCS = { 'iso': utils.from_iso, 'iso8601': utils.from_iso, 'rfc': utils.from_rfc, 'rfc822': utils.from_rfc, } DEFAULT_FORMAT = 'iso' localtime = False default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid datetime.', 'format': '"{input}" cannot be formatted as a datetime.', } def __init__(self, format=None, **kwargs): super(DateTime, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Allow this to be None. It may be set later in the ``_serialize`` # or ``_desrialize`` methods This allows a Schema to dynamically set the # dateformat, e.g. from a Meta option self.dateformat = format def _add_to_schema(self, field_name, schema): super(DateTime, self)._add_to_schema(field_name, schema) self.dateformat = self.dateformat or schema.opts.dateformat def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): if value is None: return None self.dateformat = self.dateformat or self.DEFAULT_FORMAT format_func = self.DATEFORMAT_SERIALIZATION_FUNCS.get(self.dateformat, None) if format_func: try: return format_func(value, localtime=self.localtime) except (AttributeError, ValueError) as err:'format', input=value) else: return value.strftime(self.dateformat) def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if not value: # Falsy values, e.g. '', None, [] are not valid raise'invalid') self.dateformat = self.dateformat or self.DEFAULT_FORMAT func = self.DATEFORMAT_DESERIALIZATION_FUNCS.get(self.dateformat) if func: try: return func(value) except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): raise'invalid') elif self.dateformat: try: return dt.datetime.strptime(value, self.dateformat) except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): raise'invalid') elif utils.dateutil_available: try: return utils.from_datestring(value) except TypeError: raise'invalid') else: warnings.warn('It is recommended that you install python-dateutil ' 'for improved datetime deserialization.') raise'invalid')
[docs]class LocalDateTime(DateTime): """A formatted datetime string in localized time, relative to UTC. ex. ``"Sun, 10 Nov 2013 08:23:45 -0600"`` Takes the same arguments as :class:`DateTime <marshmallow.fields.DateTime>`. """ localtime = True
[docs]class Time(Field): """ISO8601-formatted time string. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Field` receives. """ default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid time.', 'format': '"{input}" cannot be formatted as a time.', } def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): if value is None: return None try: ret = value.isoformat() except AttributeError:'format', input=value) if value.microsecond: return ret[:15] return ret def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): """Deserialize an ISO8601-formatted time to a :class:`datetime.time` object.""" if not value: # falsy values are invalid'invalid') raise err try: return utils.from_iso_time(value) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError):'invalid')
[docs]class Date(Field): """ISO8601-formatted date string. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Field` receives. """ default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid date.', 'format': '"{input}" cannot be formatted as a date.', } def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): if value is None: return None try: return value.isoformat() except AttributeError:'format', input=value) return value def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): """Deserialize an ISO8601-formatted date string to a :class:`` object. """ if not value: # falsy values are invalid'invalid') try: return utils.from_iso_date(value) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError):'invalid')
[docs]class TimeDelta(Field): """A field that (de)serializes a :class:`datetime.timedelta` object to an integer and vice versa. The integer can represent the number of days, seconds or microseconds. :param str precision: Influences how the integer is interpreted during (de)serialization. Must be 'days', 'seconds' or 'microseconds'. :param str error: Error message stored upon validation failure. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`Field` receives. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Always serializes to an integer value to avoid rounding errors. Add `precision` parameter. """ DAYS = 'days' SECONDS = 'seconds' MICROSECONDS = 'microseconds' default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid period of time.', 'format': '{input!r} cannot be formatted as a timedelta.' } def __init__(self, precision='seconds', error=None, **kwargs): precision = precision.lower() units = (self.DAYS, self.SECONDS, self.MICROSECONDS) if precision not in units: msg = 'The precision must be "{0}", "{1}" or "{2}".'.format(*units) raise ValueError(msg) self.precision = precision super(TimeDelta, self).__init__(error=error, **kwargs) def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): if value is None: return None try: days = value.days if self.precision == self.DAYS: return days else: seconds = days * 86400 + value.seconds if self.precision == self.SECONDS: return seconds else: # microseconds return seconds * 10**6 + value.microseconds # flake8: noqa except AttributeError:'format', input=value) def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): try: value = int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError):'invalid') kwargs = {self.precision: value} try: return dt.timedelta(**kwargs) except OverflowError:'invalid')
[docs]class Dict(Field): """A dict field. Supports dicts and dict-like objects. .. note:: This field is only appropriate when the structure of nested data is not known. For structured data, use `Nested`. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ default_error_messages = { 'invalid': 'Not a valid mapping type.' } def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping): return value else:'invalid')
class ValidatedField(Field): """A field that validates input on serialization.""" def _validated(self, value): raise NotImplementedError('Must implement _validate method') def _serialize(self, value, *args, **kwargs): ret = super(ValidatedField, self)._serialize(value, *args, **kwargs) return self._validated(ret)
[docs]class Url(ValidatedField, String): """A validated URL field. Validation occurs during both serialization and deserialization. :param default: Default value for the field if the attribute is not set. :param str attribute: The name of the attribute to get the value from. If `None`, assumes the attribute has the same name as the field. :param bool relative: Allow relative URLs. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`String` receives. """ default_error_messages = {'invalid': 'Not a valid URL.'} def __init__(self, relative=False, schemes=None, **kwargs): String.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.relative = relative # Insert validation into self.validators so that multiple errors can be # stored. self.validators.insert(0, validate.URL( relative=self.relative, schemes=schemes, error=self.error_messages['invalid'] )) def _validated(self, value): if value is None: return None return validate.URL( relative=self.relative, error=self.error_messages['invalid'] )(value)
[docs]class Email(ValidatedField, String): """A validated email field. Validation occurs during both serialization and deserialization. :param args: The same positional arguments that :class:`String` receives. :param kwargs: The same keyword arguments that :class:`String` receives. """ default_error_messages = {'invalid': 'Not a valid email address.'} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): String.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Insert validation into self.validators so that multiple errors can be # stored. self.validators.insert(0, validate.Email(error=self.error_messages['invalid'])) def _validated(self, value): if value is None: return None return validate.Email( error=self.error_messages['invalid'] )(value)
[docs]class Method(Field): """A field that takes the value returned by a `Schema` method. :param str method_name: The name of the Schema method from which to retrieve the value. The method must take an argument ``obj`` (in addition to self) that is the object to be serialized. :param str deserialize: Optional name of the Schema method for deserializing a value The method must take a single argument ``value``, which is the value to deserialize. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Removed optional ``context`` parameter on methods. Use ``self.context`` instead. .. versionchanged:: 2.3.0 Deprecated ``method_name`` parameter in favor of ``serialize`` and allow ``serialize`` to not be passed at all. """ _CHECK_ATTRIBUTE = False def __init__(self, serialize=None, deserialize=None, method_name=None, **kwargs): if method_name is not None: warnings.warn('"method_name" argument of fields.Method is deprecated. ' 'Use the "serialize" argument instead.', DeprecationWarning) self.serialize_method_name = self.method_name = serialize or method_name self.deserialize_method_name = deserialize super(Method, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): if not self.serialize_method_name: return missing_ method = utils.callable_or_raise( getattr(self.parent, self.serialize_method_name, None) ) try: return method(obj) except AttributeError: pass return missing_ def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if self.deserialize_method_name: try: method = utils.callable_or_raise( getattr(self.parent, self.deserialize_method_name, None) ) return method(value) except AttributeError: pass return value
[docs]class Function(Field): """A field that takes the value returned by a function. :param callable serialize: A callable from which to retrieve the value. The function must take a single argument ``obj`` which is the object to be serialized. It can also optionally take a ``context`` argument, which is a dictionary of context variables passed to the serializer. If no callable is provided then the ```load_only``` flag will be set to True. :param callable deserialize: A callable from which to retrieve the value. The function must take a single argument ``value`` which is the value to be deserialized. It can also optionally take a ``context`` argument, which is a dictionary of context variables passed to the deserializer. If no callable is provided then ```value``` will be passed through unchanged. :param callable func: This argument is to be deprecated. It exists for backwards compatiblity. Use serialize instead. .. versionchanged:: 2.3.0 Deprecated ``func`` parameter in favor of ``serialize``. """ _CHECK_ATTRIBUTE = False def __init__(self, serialize=None, deserialize=None, func=None, **kwargs): if func: warnings.warn('"func" argument of fields.Function is deprecated. ' 'Use the "serialize" argument instead.', DeprecationWarning) serialize = func super(Function, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.serialize_func = self.func = serialize and utils.callable_or_raise(serialize) self.deserialize_func = deserialize and utils.callable_or_raise(deserialize) def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): try: return self._call_or_raise(self.serialize_func, obj, attr) except AttributeError: # the object is not expected to have the attribute pass return missing_ def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if self.deserialize_func: return self._call_or_raise(self.deserialize_func, value, attr) return value def _call_or_raise(self, func, value, attr): if len(utils.get_func_args(func)) > 1: if self.parent.context is None: msg = 'No context available for Function field {0!r}'.format(attr) raise ValidationError(msg) return func(value, self.parent.context) else: return func(value)
[docs]class Constant(Field): """A field that (de)serializes to a preset constant. If you only want the constant added for serialization or deserialization, you should use ``dump_only=True`` or ``load_only=True`` respectively. :param constant: The constant to return for the field attribute. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ _CHECK_ATTRIBUTE = False def __init__(self, constant, **kwargs): super(Constant, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.constant = constant self.missing = constant self.default = constant def _serialize(self, value, *args, **kwargs): return self.constant def _deserialize(self, value, *args, **kwargs): return self.constant
# Aliases URL = Url Str = String Bool = Boolean Int = Integer