argschema package


argschema.argschema_parser module

Module that contains the base class ArgSchemaParser which should be subclassed when using this library

class argschema.argschema_parser.ArgSchemaParser(input_data=None, schema_type=None, output_schema_type=None, args=None, logger_name='argschema.argschema_parser')[source]

Bases: object

The main class you should sub-class to write your own argschema module. Takes input_data, reference to a input_json and the command line inputs and parses out the parameters and validates them against the schema_type specified.

To subclass this and make a new schema be default, simply override the default_schema and default_output_schema attributes of this class.

  • input_data (dict or None) – dictionary parameters instead of –input_json
  • schema_type (schemas.ArgSchema) – the schema to use to validate the parameters
  • output_schema_type (marshmallow.Schema) – the schema to use to validate the output_json, used by self.output
  • args (list or None) – command line arguments passed to the module, if None use argparse to parse the command line, set to [] if you want to bypass command line parsing
  • logger_name (str) – name of logger from the logging module you want to instantiate ‘argschema’

marshmallow.ValidationError – If the combination of input_json, input_data and command line arguments do not pass the validation of the schema


This class takes a ArgSchema as an input to parse inputs , with a default schema of type ArgSchema

default_output_schema = None

alias of ArgSchema

static initialize_logger(name, log_level)[source]

initializes the logger to a level with a name logger = initialize_logger(name, log_level)

  • name (str) – name of the logger
  • log_level

a logger set with the name and level specified

Return type:


load_schema_with_defaults(schema, args)[source]

method for deserializing the arguments dictionary (args) given the schema (schema) making sure that the default values have been filled in.

  • args (dict) – a dictionary of input arguments
  • schema

a deserialized dictionary of the parameters converted through marshmallow

Return type:



marshmallow.ValidationError – If this schema contains nested schemas that don’t subclass argschema.DefaultSchema because these won’t work with loading defaults.


method for outputing dictionary to the output_json file path after validating it through the output_schema_type

Parameters:d (dict) – output dictionary to output to self.mod[‘output_json’] location
Raises:marshmallow.ValidationError – If any of the output dictionary doesn’t meet the output schema
argschema.argschema_parser.contains_non_default_schemas(schema, schema_list=[])[source]

returns True if this schema contains a schema which was not an instance of DefaultSchema


does this schema only contain schemas which are subclassed from schemas.DefaultSchema

Return type:


argschema.argschema_parser.fill_defaults(schema, args)[source]

DEPRECATED, function to fill in default values from schema into args bug: goes into an infinite loop when there is a recursively defined schema


dictionary with missing default values filled in

Return type:


argschema.argschema_parser.is_recursive_schema(schema, schema_list=[])[source]

returns true if this schema contains recursive elements


does this schema contain any recursively defined schemas

Return type:


argschema.deprecated module

class argschema.deprecated.JsonModule(input_data=None, schema_type=None, output_schema_type=None, args=None, logger_name='argschema.argschema_parser')[source]

Bases: argschema.argschema_parser.ArgSchemaParser

deprecated name of ArgSchemaParser


This class takes a ArgSchema as an input to parse inputs , with a default schema of type ArgSchema

class argschema.deprecated.ModuleParameters(extra=None, only=(), exclude=(), prefix=u'', strict=None, many=False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial=False)[source]

Bases: argschema.schemas.ArgSchema

deprecated name of ArgSchema

This schema is designed to be a schema_type for an ArgSchemaParser object
key description default field_type json_type
output_json file path to output json file NA OutputFile unicode
log_level set the logging level of the module ERROR LogLevel unicode
input_json file path of input json file NA InputFile unicode
opts = <marshmallow.schema.SchemaOpts object>

argschema.schemas module

class argschema.schemas.ArgSchema(extra=None, only=(), exclude=(), prefix=u'', strict=None, many=False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial=False)[source]

Bases: argschema.schemas.DefaultSchema

The base marshmallow schema used by ArgSchemaParser to identify input_json and output_json files and the log_level

This schema is designed to be a schema_type for an ArgSchemaParser object
key description default field_type json_type
output_json file path to output json file NA OutputFile unicode
log_level set the logging level of the module ERROR LogLevel unicode
input_json file path of input json file NA InputFile unicode
opts = <marshmallow.schema.SchemaOpts object>
class argschema.schemas.DefaultSchema(extra=None, only=(), exclude=(), prefix=u'', strict=None, many=False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial=False)[source]

Bases: marshmallow.schema.Schema

mm.Schema class with support for making fields default to values defined by that field’s arguments.


marshmallow.pre_load decorated function for applying defaults on deserialation

Returns:a dictionary with default values applied
Return type:dict
opts = <marshmallow.schema.SchemaOpts object>

argschema.utils module

module that contains argschema functions for converting marshmallow schemas to argparse and merging dictionaries from both systems


function to convert namespace returned by argsparse into a nested dictionary

Parameters:argsobj (argparse.Namespace) – Namespace object returned by standard argparse.parse function
Returns:dictionary of namespace values where nesting elements uses ‘.’ to denote nesting of keys
Return type:dict
argschema.utils.build_schema_arguments(schema, arguments=None, path=None, description=None)[source]

given a jsonschema, create a dictionary of argparse arguments, by navigating down the Nested schema tree. (recursive function)

  • schema (marshmallow.Schema) – schema with field.description filled in with help values
  • arguments (list or None) – list of argument group dictionaries to add to (see Returns) (Default value = None)
  • path (list or None) – list of strings denoted where you are in the tree (Default value = None)
  • description (str or None) – description for the argument group at this level of the tree

List of argument group dictionaries, with keys [‘title’,’description’,’args’] which contain the arguments for argparse. ‘args’ is an OrderedDict of dictionaries with keys of the argument names with kwargs to build an argparse argument

Return type:



get the description for this marshmallow field

Parameters:field (marshmallow.fields.field) – field to get description
Returns:description string (or None)
Return type:str
argschema.utils.merge_value(a, b, key, func=<built-in function add>)[source]

attempt to merge these dictionaries using function defined by func (default to add) raise an exception if this fails

  • a (dict) – one dictionary
  • b (dict) – second dictionary
  • key (key) – key to merge dictionary values on
  • func (a[key]) – function that merges two values of this key Returns (Default value = add)
  • func – merged version of values (Default value = add)

given a jsonschema, build an argparse.ArgumentParser

Parameters:schema (argschema.schemas.ArgSchema) – schema to build an argparser from
Returns:the represents the schema
Return type:argparse.ArgumentParser
argschema.utils.smart_merge(a, b, path=None, merge_keys=None, overwrite_with_none=False)[source]

updates dictionary a with values in dictionary b being careful not to write things with None, and performing a merge on merge_keys

  • a (dict) – dictionary to perform update on
  • b (dict) – dictionary to perform update with
  • path (list) – list of nested keys traversed so far (used for recursion) (Default value = None)
  • merge_keys (list) – list of keys to do merging on (default None)
  • overwrite_with_none – (Default value = False)

a dictionary that is a updated with b’s values

Return type:


argschema.autodoc module

argschema.autodoc.process_schemas(app, what, name, obj, options, lines)[source]

function designed to process a sphinx.ext.autodoc event as autodoc hook to alter docstring lines of argschema related classes, providing a table of parameters for schemas and links to the default schemas for ArgSchemaParser derived elements

use in sphnix as follows

from argschema.autodoc import process_schemas
def setup(app):

Module contents

argschema: flexible definition, validation and setting of parameters
